Helping kids 8 to 16 years learn the fundamentals of programming
and creating generative art in a creative and fun environment.
The course is a 10 week, 10 project adventure quest for kids:
You start at the beginning (week 1). You then make a house for yourself (week 2), leaving to travel along a road (week 3) looking for adventure. You then find a map (week 4), which leads you to a river (week 5), a forest (week 6), and a pond where you look at yourself in the water (week 7, hero project).
This brings you the mountains (week 8) where you enter to find a creature (week 9) which is the last step before earning the treasure at the end of your adventure (Final project, week 10).
Along the way, you will:
● Have fun and inspire a lifelong appreciation for the power of code.
● Build technical and creative skills where you build a product, in this case generative art.
● Learn how generative art can be turned into digital goods (NFTs).
The course starts the week of April 4 and runs for 10 weeks until the week of June 6. There are 10 weeks of classes. Each class is 60 minutes. We have multiple classes running each day to help fit your kids schedules.
Monday, April 4th - SOLD OUT
Tuesday, April 5th
Wednesday, April 6th
Thursday, April 7th
Saturday, April 9th
Sunday, April 10th
Morning EST / Afternoon Europe:
9 am, 10:15 am, 11:30 am Eastern
Morning PST / Early Afternoon EST / Evening Europe:
12:45 pm, 2 pm Eastern
Early Afternoon PST / After School Eastern:
4 pm , 5:15 pm, 6:30 pm Eastern
After School Pacific / Evening Eastern:
7:45 pm, 9 pm, 10:15 pm Eastern
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Warmup & Project Lesson: Get everyone online and engaged with a fun activity and then dive into the project of the week.
Self-Directed Coding + Support from Mentors: Using our platform, students will code & extend projects at their level while our instructors address questions by individual students to help everyone improve.
Fun activities, challenges, sharing and wrap up: Bringing the group together, students learn even more code, share their best work, take breaks and wrap up with things to work on in between classes... plus a small celebration.
Week 1: Genesis Art - How to get started with Hatch Coding and finish your Genesis Art project.
Week 2: The House - How to add variety with colours to your generative art. The hero has a house.
Week 3: The Road - How to add variety with shapes to your generative art. Also, colour palettes. The hero travels on a road.
Week 4: The Map - How to use math to create gradients and cool effects. Also, how to break up your project into paragraphs so it is easier to read, and easier to edit. The hero finds a map and sees where X marks the spot for Treasure.
Week 5: The River - How to use a grid and logic to keep track of patterns on the screen. The hero leaves the road and follows a river to get closer to the treasure.
Week 6: The Forest - How to use loops to create interesting visual effects on screen. The hero leaves the river and travels through a forest on the way to find the treasure.
Week 7: The Hero - How to bring everything you have learned so far to create a generative profile collection. Are you a fighting princess? A curious cat? A talking turtle? We give you tools. You decide. The hero finds a pond inside the forest and sees his / her reflection.
Week 8: The Mountains - How to create pleasing visual effects with math using triangles. You will learn a triangle subdivision algorithm. The hero has found the mountains where the treasure is.
Week 9: The Creature - Once again, you are able to bring everything together to build something creative and generative. We will give you tools to bring together your creativity. The hero meets the guardian of the treasure.
Week 10: The Treasure Final Week Competition - Take everything you have learned and build something amazing. The hero finds the treasure: Is it a rainbow, an actual treasure chest, jewels, necklaces, hearts and love, a beautiful abstract painting, another map to another adventure?
Weeks 11+: Continual Improvement
You can keep going, learning with our free software and entering contests every week or taking advantage of 1:1 lessons. It takes years to get good at coding, so keep iterating, keep improving and soon you might be winning our open competitions with cash prizes, visibility for your NFT collections and lots of personal growth!
Since 2014, Hatch Coding has helped over 150,000 students learn computer science skills. The Hatch platform is a robust and trusted platform with 600+ projects to choose from, 2,000+ engaging challenges, and 400+ hours of content. Our platform helps students learn Python, JavaScript, and Web Development coding languages. Plus we enable students to learn 5 additional skills that help them prepare for a career in computer science. All Hatch Coding instructors are skilled in Computer Science, working with kids and have vulnerable sector checks to make sure that kids are safe when taking classes with us.
Have questions? Send us an email: