Students grow their creativity with Hatch Coding & develop skills to shape the future.

Students choose from 350+ themes and thousands of projects. While they build and create with one-on-one learning, our software tracks their skill development. They learn towards 4 meaningful certifications, building superpowers (core competencies) along the way.

Start for free

A massive content library

Students can learn in JavaScript or Python while coding 1000s of projects.

Intelligent software

Students pick every project. Our intelligent software tracks skills learned.

Authentic skills

From your first day of coding to your first job in tech, we teach the whole picture.

Teaching is just the start when you join Hatch Coding

Hatch Coding
Other Online Options
Traditional Tutors
In Person Centers
1:1 coaching with inspiring, engaged teachers
Flexible registration
and scheduling
Complete learning environment
right in your browser
Low risk, get started without even a credit card
350+ themes, thousands
of projects
Core skills covering
all of software engineering
Personalized feedback when the teacher isn’t there
Real time student progress reports
Hatch Coding
1:1 coaching with inspiring, engaged teachers
Flexible registration
and scheduling
Complete learning environment
right in your browser
Low risk, get started without even a credit card
350+ themes, thousands
of projects
Core skills covering
all of software engineering
Personalized feedback when the teacher isn’t there
Real time student progress reports
Other Online Options
1:1 coaching with inspiring, engaged teachers
Flexible registration
and scheduling
Traditional Tutors
1:1 coaching with inspiring, engaged teachers
Flexible registration
and scheduling
Complete learning environment
right in your browser
Real time student progress reports
In Person Centers
1:1 coaching with inspiring, engaged teachers
Flexible registration
and scheduling

Learning with purpose

Hatch Coding is 24/7 and flexible to a student's schedule—it’s like having a piano at home


Our Studio software is a workshop, and a space to hone a student's craft—a complete learning environment in the browser.


As students progress, they develop 5 core competencies that are the bedrock of authentic expertise in Computer Science.


A student's entire learning experience and work is trackable and easy to understand  through our reporting system.

Have fun with serious content

Register to earn Superpowers, track skills, and get certificates by completing creative projects and challenges in a structured, but playful, learning environment. Develop a lifetime of options.

Start for free
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