July 25, 2016

Get with the Programming: After-School Programs Making a Difference

We are fortunate to have many amazing options for what our kids can do after school. While letting kids have downtime is an important after school activity, the large variety of after-school programming provides options that are just as unique as our kids, and add a real depth to children’s social, emotional, physical and academic development.

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We are fortunate to have many amazing options for what our kids can do after school. While letting kids have downtime is an important after school activity, the large variety of after-school programming provides options that are just as unique as our kids, and add a real depth to children’s social, emotional, physical and academic development.

In Toronto, where Hatch Canada made its start, we see many amazing programs offered, both in schools, on evenings and weekends and throughout the summers. Near us, we see programs that are so varied and exciting it makes us want to be a kid again!  

Tandem Studios offers dance classes in many styles, all of which will keep your children active and encourage them to work in a team with fellow dancers. The studio’s Tandem Troupe program gives your children the opportunity to enrol in competitions, but if that isn’t their speed there are many other programs that equally promote a healthy, creative, and happy way to work out.

Learning another language opens the door to a lot of opportunities later in life, and is a skill that goes nicely with learning a new coding language at Hatch. At Panda Mandarin, children can learn Mandarin through assorted fun and engaging activities. Pursuing linguistic studies encourages a strong communication background, and enhances the ability of a child’s memory.

Places that promote additional after-school education such as Spirit of Math can make mathematics - a common homework struggle - as something to look forward to rather than shrink from. Spirit of Math is an exclusive after school math program with more than 40 campuses across North America. They offer a unique curriculum challenging their students with advanced drills, problem solving strategies, logic and critical thinking to produce leaders of tomorrow.

And, of course, you can’t forget Hatch. We love what we do and we all wish we’d had a place like Hatch when we were kids. In a world that is digitally evolving at an incredible pace, we have a hands-on approach teaching children computer programming and coding. Students in the program learn not only to debug and fix any incorrect coding, but are encouraged to take on projects of their own. Hatch offers an 8-12 week class about coding, where students conclude with a portfolio that demonstrates their ability to create their own applications, and can even program their own games!

No matter what activities your child is interested in, there are excellent programs available to them. At Hatch, your children will learn coding and gain confidence in learning to problem solve. Learn more about camps, weekly classes and after-school programs. Sign-up today!


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